Saturday, March 28, 2009

Aspects of Policies, Politics, Personal and Businesses

In the run-up to improve socio-economical factors of strategic management, one has to take account to 3Ps and 1B.

Policies - one has to carefully think, plan, adjust and present 1 series of useful policies that are consistently referred to. That policy can either launch a space shuttle, a product or a service or broken up, smashed and downright kill those supporting it.

Politics - a lot of times inner politics undermine the capability of a good company to become an excellent company. It had hurt the management and staff or simply bore the shareholders if it recurs many times over the years of existence. A third party or a mediator that can stay focus on what are the issues on hand can help to eliminate the differences and push for a momentum to succeed in bringing up the company to a newer level of success.

Personal - Of late, MDs, CEOs with shares; were caught out short of cash to sustain the business. Not only that, they were strongly criticised by major creditors, family and those who have less understanding about risk and returns of businesses. To borrow from Venture Capitalists, one has to take onself at least 20% of the Rate of Investments with very little collateral. This unfortunately pushes the great organisers to a realm previously gone un-noticed by the bigger companies but sufferred many blows by the smaller ones. To shell out more than what the Venture Capitalists has provided, or to be tapped out of funds creates a road to no return.

Business basically has all the earlier 3 elements; policies, politics and personal. While politics are encouraged, the politics and personal resistants need to be mitigated. Nevertheless, to run a fairly good business requires some form of education as plunging self into an untreated water, will cause more damage to health than earlier thought off. Business is both an asset and a liability. No matter how much resources had been piled up, one point or another, there will be the roller-coaster ride regardless of 50-100 external and internal consultants are hired. A good way of not overblowing the business is to diversify into companies that support the parent company. The chain effect arising from these, will somehow guarantees the quality, value and policy set within the arrangement.

Whether an organisation is treated as a business organisation or a non-profit organisation, the emphasis could not be more true than the applications of the 3Ps and 1 B to succeed beyond the normal scope.