- That what he proposes be practicable.
- His Propositions should be made in explicit Terms so as to be easily understood.
- What he desires should be in itself reasonable.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Benjamin Franklin and a Tutorial on Business Letters
Thursday, August 18, 2011
This Day in Business History
A man can't retire his experience. He must use it. Experience achieves more with less energy and time.
Innovation! One cannot be forever innovating. I want to create classics.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Highlight Issue: Why Some Companies Fail to Live to Expectations
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
“STRATEGOS – The New Era

A General observing an on-going battle with his military advisers - Strategos
Strategy and Strategic derived from the Greek root-word, Strategos. It is a title meaning, General or Leader and are used to this day. Over the years, the words are used as reference to Office or Command of a General where all the works of leaders are made to be carried out.
So where is the General’s Office? It used to be on top of the hill overlooking at the battle formations of troops lying across the plains. There are leaders who lead from the front – Guan Yu, Alexander, Napoleon, – who used horses for height and speed advantage. Technology and rival tactics changed all that.
Natural leaders like Ulysses Grant are among the first to recognise leaders need not be in frontline to be able to see, control and plan how things to go in battles. This cut the risks of losing the person who thinks on saving lives of others. What happens if the leaders are to die first in business? Whole organisation will ultimately fail.
Being involved in strategy has been the key activity for our firm. Unfortunately some professionals misused the word strategy when they are actually in the field of planning, accounting and other major aspects of organisations. This was the problem encountered by Bower (McKinsey), Drucker (Father of Management) and Henderson (BCG) when defining their art.
2011 represents a new era where leaders of the World are to conform new sets of international rules of conformity after disastrous this few years in almost everything we did from money markets, constructions to diplomacy.
The Strategos / Leader shall lead the way.
Win-Lose Proposition in Life
From an innocent question of a manager from Fortune 100, “What is new in MIENS?” - it became a signature course at year-end 2010 with Intel, Alor Star’s Nursing College, Penang’s Nursing College having participated and a few more in the books.
MIENS has always been on research and development of solving management problems and understanding of leadership activities. So much so, our Principal – Erasmus teamed up with Dr Daisy Kee (USM) and Prof. Dr Zainal Ariffin (UNITEN) to work on a leadership book in 2009. What is new? We took off to the tangent with W-L Proposition in Life which explores the largely unwanted part of Conflict Management theory – Win-Lose or Lose-Win.
Do You Know?
After accumulating feedbacks from various excellent organisations be it Private (Pvt) and Public (Pub) sectors, these are some strong trend indicators to suggest the following:
1. 99% started out looking for the top position in career.
2. 22% (Pvt), 77% (Pub) are well-equipped with a career path plan.
3. 10% (Pvt), 44% (Pub) willing to take smaller roles.
4. 33% (Pvt), 54% (Pub) currently have other occupations such as MLM, Insurance, Tupperwares, etc.
5. 67% (Pvt), 86% (Pub) are willing to swap loyalty to the other industries when their “other occupation” turns better.
T'was a Time - Tribute to Tun Dr Lim Chong Eu
Just before his 90th Birthday, I’d met up with Tun at the appointed time. My purpose was to write his biography.
Our 4-hour conversation was kept behind closed doors and at his request, no records were to be made.
I asked two insight questions: How was the critical thinking done that leads to the fateful decisions made after 1969? Would Penang be as dynamic as Singapore or Hong Kong?
He took time to answer one of the questions. Unfortunately like the other two would-be personal biographers before me, he had chosen not to reveal his life-story. I miss this Old Free dearly who rightly deserved to be our King’s Scholar – Erasmus Koay