Now imagine for a while, that a building... say a Mall is like our brain...
Where would you like to setup your business?
Maybe... just say, maybe you choose:
Frontal Lobe - the front part of the brain-mall. Now notice that in a brain, this space is actually very involved in planning, organising, problem-solving, selective attention, personality and other functions such as behaviour and emotions. What's the front part of the mall... normally the well-selected brands (high-end) are place at the front. A lot of activities going on there... people movement, chattings, shoppers moving in-out, small vehicles load/unload (instead of using the designated lifts), all sorts of emotions from smokers to non-smokers, moms pushing the prams, great grand-aunties resting the feet.... BUT again...selective attention. very rarely do you see a lot of customers even though there might be 70% off.
Parietal Lobe - One of the two parietal lobes of the brain located behind the frontal lobe at the top of the brain.
Parietal Lobe, Right - Damage to this area can cause visuo-spatial deficits (e.g., the patient may have difficulty finding their way around new, or even familiar, places).
Parietal Lobe, Left - Damage to this area may disrupt a patient's ability to understand spoken and/or written language.
The parietal lobes has sensory areas that controls sensation (touch, pressure). Behind the primary sensory cortex is a large association area that controls fine sensation (judgment of texture, weight, size, shape).
In the brain-mall circumstances, you have either the Right Wing or the Left Wing... be careful of your choices. Some mall alley ways lead you to a blockage... you would expect the mall to be equally the same but expect differently. No two wings are the same. Choose the wrong wing, you ended up losing customers or basically ended up having to be the tour guide for the people walking around the area looking for other brands.
As for sensory cortex... treat it as though its the escalators... notice that when escalator breaks down (quite often) compare to lifts, people will just get turn off. Thats choosing between climbing or going down, to finding another escalator.
Occipital Lobe - in the back of the brain and processes visual information.
Looking at the way shoppers walk, once after car park, they will go down to nearest level with shopping. Just look around but then they started to choose their favourite places to go. It can be a meeting-place, buying sundries, stroll around, rarely would they want to start with the kids' world (unless they are staying longer there longer first!) Once the shopper catches his/her wind, aircon-cooled, with quality songs played, the shopper will browse and normally those shops at further ends (including departmental stores) receives most shoppers.
Cerebellum - Below and back which helps coordinate movement. Damage may result in ataxia which is a problem of muscle coordination, a person's ability to walk, talk, eat, and to perform other self care tasks. In this case, would be the ground to basement level where.... ALL the FOODS are!
Brainstem - The lower extension of the brain where it connects to the spinal cord. Neurological functions located in the brainstem include those necessary for survival. Back-end. The security guards, the hidden cameras, the leasing and marketing executives, floor cleaners... you dont notice them much but they do see you.
Temporal Lobe - These lobes allow a person to tell one smell from another and one sound from another. They also help in sorting new information and are believed to be responsible for short-term memory. It is where the edutainment, entertainment, movies are.... temporary until the next change of movies or entertainment. If you dont update the cinemas and entertainment attraction is lost, the rest will follow, slowly but surely.
So, if you want to keep your brain-mall safe, ensure to wear hard-hats around. Buy a size that fits the head.