Year 2009, New Year.
This is the year of opportune where everything is all worth weighted in golds. Either you beat it or keep it.
Let us review the year that has passed Year 2008.
Most significantly in the mid half year of 2008 - the entire worldwide economy turned topsy-turvy. A lot of people are caught virtually with their pants down as most industries are in the midst of picking up steam to head to the nearest quadrant of success. Those investing in commodity such as oil, gold and energy do not see the sharp down-ride. The same goes for service oriented businesses, property development and just about everyday businesses includingn food and transport which immediately have to implement hike up in their prices or change strategies to suit the new economic weather.
Banks, financial institutions, insurance, home developers, electronics, automobiles and retailers suffered greatly to the point that instead of consolidating their assets, they ended up either seeking for financial assistance from their government or having to sell-out to their rivals at discounts.
Year 2009 is not a year for people to slack but a year of redemption so that they will be part of a more efficient and effective mission to be better in their participating industry. After all, records are meant to be broken.
As the companies measure their performances, what about Malaysia?
From the current standview, it seemed that Malaysian Government has strong beliefs that the downturn will not affect the nation as much as other countries in the world.
With so many Economic Corridors being planned out and soon enough change of Head of Government, things may not be a smooth ride. Reason being, the funds prepared do not seemed to be sufficient to last longer than the larger and much more developed countries and secondly, investors are careful in selecting managing their risks and returns.
This is the year of opportune where everything is all worth weighted in golds. Either you beat it or keep it.
Let us review the year that has passed Year 2008.
Most significantly in the mid half year of 2008 - the entire worldwide economy turned topsy-turvy. A lot of people are caught virtually with their pants down as most industries are in the midst of picking up steam to head to the nearest quadrant of success. Those investing in commodity such as oil, gold and energy do not see the sharp down-ride. The same goes for service oriented businesses, property development and just about everyday businesses includingn food and transport which immediately have to implement hike up in their prices or change strategies to suit the new economic weather.
Banks, financial institutions, insurance, home developers, electronics, automobiles and retailers suffered greatly to the point that instead of consolidating their assets, they ended up either seeking for financial assistance from their government or having to sell-out to their rivals at discounts.
Year 2009 is not a year for people to slack but a year of redemption so that they will be part of a more efficient and effective mission to be better in their participating industry. After all, records are meant to be broken.
As the companies measure their performances, what about Malaysia?
From the current standview, it seemed that Malaysian Government has strong beliefs that the downturn will not affect the nation as much as other countries in the world.
With so many Economic Corridors being planned out and soon enough change of Head of Government, things may not be a smooth ride. Reason being, the funds prepared do not seemed to be sufficient to last longer than the larger and much more developed countries and secondly, investors are careful in selecting managing their risks and returns.
The fear of change are well-implanted in many organisations to the extend that even large service-oriented firms that provide consulting and advisory services sought for innovative ideas from the public however big or small. They no longer wish to hide behind the solidarity of all the "strong" companies that tumbled. Big and small consultants are now competing at the same level.
How good is the change?
Changes are often good in any aspect of life. Nevertheless, changes without true and real purposes or directions are very dangerous and should not even be tempted. Everyone has to leave aside personal egos and try working together so that the changes can be well-directed to meet the stakeholders' expectation and that of the leaders.
Throughout the year 2009, MIENS will provide more indicators through our website and also through publication of books.
Be successful in your niche.